Storytelling Unitms. Schrader's Teaching Portfolio

All 13 lessons updated for 2018/19 for the CAMBRIDGE NATIONALS in CREATIVE iMEDIA R084 - Storytelling with a Comic Strip. FEATURES: ALL 13 Animating Lessons all ready to teach in POWERPOINT AND KEYNOTE!!! Nearly 1 hours worth of video covering all aspects of Comic Life and. Asset gathering.! 6) Evaluation of teaching and learning performance. 7) Teaching portfolio, documentation of each presentation as entries in an emerging teaching portfolio. 8) Developing a study partnership TENTATIVE. 9) Composing a term paper ( 8-10 pages ) or teaching methods portfolio. I really like all of the storytelling research data. I love the idea of teaching and learning with stories. Teacher tip: here’s a great site that uses public radio stories (5-7 min long) for teaching in the classroom. Really cool idea to combine audio/stories/current events to engage students in an easy, meaningful way.

To tell stories... there are lots of applications. This is an example:

And also, check the meaning of kamishibai. Perhaps you find it interesting...
Comic Creation Symbaloo
  • Creaza - Create comics, make movies, edit audio, and more! Embed in a blog or wiki.
  • Bubblr - Create your comic strip with Flickr pictures and add bubbles to tell your story!
  • Comicmaster - Cool graphic novel creator.
  • Bitstrips - Not free, but offers a 30-day free trial and includes more educational support (e.g., activities) than most other comic generators.
  • Make Beliefs Comix - Two, three and four panel comics that you can create in multiple languages.
  • Comic Strip Generator - You can upload photos or use web images in addition to their library of ready-to-use images.
  • Garfield - You can create comic strips or (in Comics Lab Extreme) comic books.
  • ToonDoo - The site allows students to share their comics, comment on other comics, and even save and edit a copy of a comic.
  • Phrase It - Add speech bubbles to pictures.
Video Storytelling
  • Youtube Editor - add music, special effects and more
  • PowToon, Muvizu, and Wideo - free tools for animated videos
  • iMovie - software for Mac
  • Windows Movie Maker - software for Windows
  • Animoto - only 30 second videos
Storytelling unitms. schrader

IOS free video apps:

  • Animoto - only 30 second videos
  • QuoFx- Create 6 second movie effects to add to video

Android free video apps:

Storytelling unitms. schrader
  • Animoto - only 30 second videos
  • QuoFx - Create 6 second movie effects to add to video
  • VidTrim
Presentation tool:
  • - Use video to narrate a slideshow
  • BrainShark - audio to narrate a slideshow
  • Vuvox - slideshow with clickable spots
  • Capzles - looks like a timeline. Add video, pdfs, etc.
  • Prezi- multimedia presentation tool that embeds video with cool transitions

Organize a Collaborative Digital Story

  • Voicethread - Create a collaborative story by uploading images, documents, and videos that are turned into a multimedia slideshow where learners and others can navigate slides and comment in various ways.

  • Voxopop - Create collaborative audio stories or have discussions. Listen to this example chain story by Nik Peachey to give you ideas.

  • Google Presentations - Have each person contribute a slide and include images, colored fonts, and more. Here is a template you could use.

  • Book Creator Lite for iPhone, iPad- Each student contributes a page to the story. Make sure you include their voices or drawings so that we know your students contributed to the story.

  • Padlet- Tell a story with sticky notes. Add video, images, and text. Choose the stream layout for your chain story. Each person will see the previous post and will be able to contribute. Students or your peers DO NOT need to create an account. However, they should include a name even if it is an alias. This app is free and available on the web or through any mobile device with Internet access. Here is a good tutorial on how to set-up a free account and begin the story.

SchraderSome examples:

Grade Levels: 7th grade

Subject/Topic Areas: World War II, Propaganda, Persuasive Writing

Time Frame: 6 weeks

School: Pride Academy CharterSchool, East Orange, NJ

Brief Summary of Unit:

Inthis unit, students will focus on World War II. Students will be assigned a historical fiction novel,leveled for their reading abilities, with which they will participate in guidedreading and literature circles. Students will also consider propaganda of the times, and through thelens of persuasive writing tactics they will analyze, comment on, and createtheir own propaganda.

Inculmination, students will work in groups to analyze the propaganda presentedin their novels and give their recommendations of the literature they wereassigned to their fellow classmates. Students will also create a persuasivespeech to a group of characters directly in or referred to in their novels. These speeches will allow students to show what they have learned about propaganda andpersuasive writing and apply it in a creative way to their reading. The unitwill conclude with a presentation of their novel analysis and their persuasivespeeches.

Essential Questions:

  • Why should we study our history through novels?
  • How have certain perspectives of war evolved over time and why?
  • Why do certain perspectives from war have a bigger presence in our modern society?
  • How can being able to identify propaganda help us as a viewer?

Students will understand that…

Storytelling unitms. schraderStorytelling
  • World War II was a war about global domination and great mistreatment of human life.
  • Propaganda was saturated into society during World War II.
  • In order to understand a war, you must look at the perspectives of the “winners” and the “losers.”
  • Just because a person is a soldier doesn’t mean they fully believe in the cause they are fighting.

Students will know:

  • The experiences of soldiers on all sides in World War II.
  • The effects of World War II on civilians in various parts of the world
  • How propaganda can alter the views of a society.

Students will be able to:

  • Make connections between different novels concerning different perspectives of war.
  • Identify propaganda and the persuasive traits they are utilizing.
  • Create a persuasive speech and connect it to their novels.

Storytelling Unitms. Schrader's Teaching Portfolio Lesson

Established Goals:

Storytelling Unitms. Schrader's Teaching Portfolio Assessment


  • Read, respond and analyze literary works that represent a range of social, historical, and cultural perspectives
  • Form opinions and make judgments about literary works, by analyzing and evaluating texts from a critical perspective
  • Share reading experiences with peers
  • Read, view, and interpret texts and performances in every medium from a wide variety of authors, subjects, and genres (e.g., short stories, graphic novels, cartoons, articles, advertisements, etc.)
  • Identify and evaluate the purpose of sources, with assistance
  • Locate and use school and public library resources for information and research


  • Write original persuasive texts
    • use elements of ethos, pathos, and logos
    • maintain consistent point of view, including first-person, third-person, or omniscient narrator
    • create a personal voice
  • Use resources such as personal experience, knowledge from other content areas, and independent reading to create literary, interpretive, and responsive texts
  • Share the process of writing with peers
  • Write and share personal reactions to experiences, events, and observations, using a form of social communication


  • Listen to and follow complex directions or instructions
  • Identify the speaker’s purpose and motive for communicating information
  • Interpret and respond to texts and performances from a variety of genres, authors, and subjects
  • Recognize historical and contemporary social and cultural conditions in presentation of literary texts
  • Connect literary texts to prior knowledge, personal experience, and contemporary situations
  • Identify multiple levels of meaning in presentation of literary texts
  • Participate as a listener in social conversation with one or more people who are friends, acquaintances, or strangers
  • Respect age, gender, social position, and cultural traditions of the speaker
  • Encourage the speaker with appropriate facial expressions and gestures


  • Express a point of view, providing supporting facts
  • Express opinions and support them through references to the text
  • Engage in a variety of collaborative conversations, such as peer-led discussions, paired reading and responding, and cooperative group discussions, to construct meaning
  • Engage in a variety of collaborative conversations, such as peer-led discussions, paired reading and responding, and cooperative group discussions, to make applications of the ideas in the text to other situations, extending the ideas to broaden perspectives
  • Express opinions or make judgments about ideas, information, experiences, and issues in literary and historical articles
  • Articulate personal opinions to clarify stated positions
  • Use courtesy; for example, avoid sarcasm, ridicule, dominating the conversation, and interrupting

Storytelling Unitms. Schrader's Teaching Portfolio Allocation