Readingteam Patton

Our vision

Our overarching goal is to enable children to overcome the obstacles to literacy excellence and to master the critical-thinking, problem-solving, communications, and behavioral skills that will allow them to reach their full potential in school, in college, and in a future career. We accomplish this by attending to the literacy development of children with focused instruction and nurturing attention that foster academic skills and behaviors so they can succeed in school and in life.

How we do it

Reading team patton middle school

For the duration of the Coronavirus Health Emergency, the Municipal Building is closed to the public and most public meetings will be held online with participants at remote locations, connected by conferencing software provided by WEBEX. Kizzy Albritton, Adrienne Stuckey, Nicole Patton Terry, Identifying Head Start Children for Higher Tiers of Language and Literacy Instruction, Journal of Early Intervention, 10.11117714568, 39, 4, (267-280), (2017). The Reading Team observed the day of Halloween by reading to the students Skeleton Hiccups followed by a skeleton activity. This was an appropriate book to read since the teachers were dressed up as doctors and nurses in observance of Halloween.

The hallmark of our programs is early intervention, before a lack of success in school dampens the children’s inherent enthusiasm for learning. Studies show that children who enter school ready to read will almost certainly learn to read, while those who do not are likely to struggle with reading for years to come. The difference is one of opportunity – of giving children a positive and successful introduction to reading instruction and to see themselves as learners.

Meaning of literacy success for children

  • Self-efficacy by recognizing themselves as readers and learners, able to solvechallenges, manage others’ expectations, and compete equally with their peers.

  • More likely to stay in school and to attend college.

  • Less apt to commit crimes, receive welfare, have babies out of wedlock.

  • More likely to own homes, be employed, and pay higher taxes.

  • Chance to develop culturally, emotionally, and socially.

Reading Partners is a national nonprofit that mobilizes communities to provide students with the proven, individualized reading support they need to read at grade level by fourth grade.

Success factors

Reading Team Patton Elementary School

  • After-School Program provides 540 hours a year of nurturing literacy instruction and activities—that’s over 3,000 hours from Grades K-5.

  • Children master key building blocks of literacy success, reading, and writing.

  • Grades K-2 participate in the innovative Waterford Early Reading Program.

  • Our Literacy Mentors are experienced teachers and graduate students of education whom we train to implement our successful instructional model.

Join Us

Readingteam Patton

Readington School is changing the way we train and groom children by providing help at the point of need. If you are passionate at teaching and you are really young at heart, then we are looking for you.

Working in Readington Schoolis highly rewarding and fulfilling for a passionate teacher/staff.

Reading team patton high school

Reading Team Patton Elementary

Benefits include:

Reading Team Patton High School

  • International Trips
  • Allowances
  • Good pay for your labour
  • Recognition and appreciation
  • Promotions
  • Other perks … etc

Readington school is opportune to possess an extraordinarily professional highly committed and talented group of teachers and support staff who are central to what makes our school such a successful community.

Reading Team Patton Middle School

Interested and qualified teaching and non-teaching applicants who wish to be part of our success story may schedule an appointment to speak with the HR Administrator or submit a CV to: