Does Mac Move The Manual Trim Wheel Move On The 737 Max

Does Mac Move The Manual Trim Wheel Move On The 737 Max

originally posted by: KansasGirl's the pilots' faults, right? Wasn't that the consensus from the experts, the last I checked the last thead on it? The pilots didn't knowhow to shut off the auto-pilot and do a manual trim with that wheel thing. Not the plane's fault.

As I understood it........
The manual trim wheel is not usable due force required to move it, on prior models when auto trim/computer circuit breaker was 'off' the pilots powerassisted trim from yoke switch worked - in the MAX this switch was made to be unpowered forcing use of manual trim wheel which of course wasunusable.
Besides simple fact that reducing power in stall condition is about the most un-natural thing to do! which is whats partly required to stabilizeflight due engine position.
Bad design outright for a passenger aircraft.
Does Mac Move The Manual Trim Wheel Move On The 737 Max

Does Mac Move The Manual Trim Wheel Move On The 737 Max Specifications


Concerns Expressed Over 737 MAX Redundancy, Manual Trim. Between them to generate enough force to move the stabilizer. The newer 737’s smaller trim wheel compared to the 737. A pilot can compensate for that without MCAS.” This requires the pilots to turn off MCAS and use the manual trim wheel. It has been shown in the sim that smaller pilots may not have the physical strength to move the manual trim wheel. That’s a problem when you’re trying to fly the aircraft. Can one fly an aircraft with screwed up trim? The difference between the A-320 series trim wheel and the 737 trim wheel, though, is the 737 wheel is large, exposed, fast moving, is close to lots of places your hands need to go, and has protrusions, while the A-320 trim wheel moves much more slowly, is never needed in normal operations (except to set the pre-takeoff trim on the ground. Since the 737 is the oldest basic design platform in the Boeing product line, its original design dates back to a time when trim wheels were mechanical and pilots were transitioning out of still older planes into Boeing's new offerings- and those pilots expected manual trim wheels. It is likely that trim wheels in newer planes are a 'legacy.

Does Mac Move The Manual Trim Wheel Move On The 737 Max Review

Does Mac Move The Manual Trim Wheel Move On The 737 Max

Does Mac Move The Manual Trim Wheel Move On The 737 Max Plane