December News And Notesteach To Be Happy

On his 100th day in office Saturday, President Trump spoke to CBS News' chief Washington correspondent and host of 'Face the Nation,' John Dickerson, about his accomplishments at the traditional. Beginning with a knowledge of and faith in God’s plan of happiness, having trust and confidence in Jesus Christ’s Atonement, and planning, prioritizing, and then acting in faith—and patience—are keys to keeping an eternal perspective that allows us to progress and be happy regardless of circumstances. Social media is taking over the world, as an estimated 2 billion people around the globe use social networking sites and 80 percent of Americans have at least one social media profile.

The inspirational, feel good stories posted in this section are from everyday visitors, like YOU, through our post a story page. Please browse through the stories and then share yours!

December News And Notesteach To Be Happy Birthday

By Lettie on January 22, 2021 / 254 views

When I met and married a kind Japanese man in NYC, I thought he would learn a bit more English and we would continue to live our lives there. But in life's twists and turns we ended up living in Tokyo! I was the one who needed to learn Japanese...and fast! There is no experience quite as lonely as living in a foreign country without a grasp of the language. Especially to make friends and to break that...

By A Friend on January 22, 2021 / 341 views

We have met, just not in person. I am a mortgage banker so I do my financial transactions over the phone and computer. This lady is a borrower of mine and I have done two of her refinances over the past couple of years. She is not a woman that is my mother‘s age, not a grandmotherly type of client, because men or women of that age are always very loving and they check up on me. This woman is my...

By Shining Brown on January 20, 2021 / 470 views

Last month I took my son Tom to see his grandparents in the countryside. When we arrived, my father and mother were so happy to see us. Tom’s nana hugged and kissed Tom excitedly. Then his grandpa took him to the yard to play. My mom went to her kitchen to prepare our meal. I knew my Tom was curious about everything in his grandparents’ home, and he would be very excited. At lunch table,...

By Joseph J. Mazzella on January 18, 2021 / 572 views

By Joseph J. Mazzella on January 18, 2021 / 572 views

It was the Summer of my 16th year. I was 2000 miles away from home and my heart was aching. I had traveled from the mountains of West Virginia to the great plains of Iowa. I was with a group of boys touring a Seminary college. When the trip had first started I was filled with excitement. It was going to be a week of adventure, a week of travel, and the possibility of starting on a new path in my life. Now 5...

By @Sagihairius on January 14, 2021 / 967 views

I work as an actor at a haunted house and this little girl who was dressed as a cat came through she saw me and was like 'no thank you please dont get closer I am already scared' and I was like alright I appreciate the good manners I'll back off. So her dad picks her up and starts going down the rest of my dark hall and I just hear her yell 'everybody wait! i dropped my ears'...

By A Friend on January 14, 2021 / 1,358 views

I asked my dad if I have ever made him cry in front of me before, because I don't remember ever seeing him cry. He said, 'Once.' He told me that when I was 3 years old, he laid out a pen, a dollar, and a toy of some sort in front of me. He wanted to see which one I would pick. l think that a lot of Chinese people do that... It represents what you'll value most when you...

By A Friend on January 11, 2021 / 954 views

My dad went to clean an old ladies oven, she called the company before and asked if he could pick her up some fish and chips for lunch as she couldn't leave the house. He sent me this picture of him sat with her, eating lunch together an keeping her company. To say I cried, the purest heart to ever live. He wouldn't share it so I just had...

By Joseph J. Mazzella on January 05, 2021 / 1,478 views

By Joseph J. Mazzella on January 05, 2021 / 1,478 views

The mountains where I live are full of turning, twisting, narrow, curvy roads. I was driving down one of those roads last Spring. Days of on and off rain had made the ground muddy and hillsides mushy. As I rounded a curve I saw that the weakened soil had released a tree on the hill by the road. It was now laying on the asphalt blocking my lane. I hit the brakes and slowly drove around it. Then I stopped. I...

By A Friend on January 04, 2021 / 1,153 views

I’ve hosted a friend since November due to their depression. Today she made her bed for the first time. She's at the store right...

By Joseph J. Mazzella on December 28, 2020 / 1,429 views

By Joseph J. Mazzella on December 28, 2020 / 1,429 views

It was the day after Christmas 33 years ago. I was newly married and still in college. Only 10 days earlier my wife had gone into labor with our first child. It was a scary delivery that ended in an emergency C-section. We were so grateful to have Joseph John Mazzella II also known as JJ sleeping peacefully in the cradle next to our bed. The day before we had been on the road showing off our little...

By A Friend on December 27, 2020 / 1,412 views

Something nice that I definitely needed tonight. For the past 15 years, my family (all 13 of us that are local) has gone Christmas caroling in my neighborhood, it’s tradition. We aren’t good at it, but we love doing it. It’s the one time of the year we can see some of our neighbors that we don’t see regularly, and in general, do something fun. This year, for...

By Judith Maduhu on December 22, 2020 / 1,935 views

By Judith Maduhu on December 22, 2020 / 1,935 views

So I and my two girlfriends were taking an evening walk one beautiful day when one of my friend's sandals just snapped. We were in the middle of our way back home and it was really a long way to go, as we were trying to figure out what to do and try some failed DIY's we heard a gentle male voice say 'hey girls i think i can help with that'... We were delighted to hear that and the...

By Courtney on December 18, 2020 / 1,208 views

I'd just like to share something my children have done. My daughter is 9 and my son is 6. Recognizing that this has been a very difficult year for a lot of people my daughter decided that she would like to raise money for our local homeless shelter. After some discussion we came up with the idea of having a math-athon and the children completed math problems and solicited...

By Joseph J. Mazzella on December 18, 2020 / 1,657 views

By Joseph J. Mazzella on December 18, 2020 / 1,657 views

I was sitting at my kitchen table the other day with a pen, notebook, calculator, and a stack of bills. I was doing my monthly budget. There were bills for electric, water, rent, insurance, the car payment, the phone bill, and the cable bill. Plus money needed to be set aside for food, gas, clothes, and hopefully a little left over to save for those unexpected bills that always seemed to show up. When I was...

By A Friend on December 12, 2020 / 1,571 views

I wanted to share a positive story and spread some of that same love around. A few weeks ago my very old, mostly blind dog decided to go on a walk about. When I tried to call for him he got disoriented and ended up going down into a hill covered in blackberry bushes. If you’ve ever lived in the PNW, you'd understand how awful that really is. I was so distraught and lost as to...

By Unknown on December 11, 2020 / 4,341 views

A professor gave a balloon to every student, who had to inflate it, write their name on it and throw it in the hallway. The professor then mixed all the balloons. The students were given 5 minutes to find their own balloon. Despite a hectic search, no one found their balloon. At that point the professor told the students to take the first balloon that they found and hand it to...

By A Friend on December 11, 2020 / 1,609 views

Today a homeless lady asked if I could buy her dinner, so I thought 'sure why not!'. While I was paying, the cashier noticed the homeless lady waiting outside and asked me if I was buying the food for her. I said yes, and the cashier gave me her food for free! One good turn deserves...

Two Groups Of Penguins Stop For A Chat, Then The Confusion Sets In

Man On A Walk Shares The Hilarious Sign Someone Posted About Their Cat

December News And Notesteach To Be Happy Hour

A Japanese Man Rents Himself Out To 'Do Nothing'. He Has Thousands Of Clients

The Shopping Cart Theory: Are You A Good Or Bad Member Of Society?

Stranger Pays For Woman's License After She Tried To Sell Her Watch To Pay For It

A Soccer Fan Was Banned From The Stadium, So He Rented A Crane

Two Groups Of Penguins Stop For A Chat, Then The Confusion Sets In

Celebrities Remade 'The Princess Bride' From Scratch During Quarantine

Concerned Dogs Help Sick Mom

This Dog Faked A Limp And Cost His Owner Over $300

Baby Starts Dancing Once The Beat Drops


Story Highlights

  • 86% of Americans say they're 'very' or 'fairly happy,' a new low
  • Happiness reports down since 2008 among nonwhites, steady among whites
  • Republicans' happiness still high, while Democrats', independents' slides

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The vast majority of Americans report being 'very' (42%) or 'fairly happy' (44%), but the combined 86% is down from 91% the last time Gallup asked about this, in December 2008. It is also the lowest overall percentage happy Gallup has recorded in periodic readings over 71 years and is only the fifth time happiness has dipped below the 90% mark in 23 readings since 1948.

With fewer than nine in 10 Americans feeling happy in the Dec. 2-15 Gallup poll, one in seven (14%) are 'not too happy,' the highest measured to date.

Americans' subdued level of happiness at the end of 2019 fits in with Gallup research finding that Americans' levels of stress and worry reached new heights in 2018, while their self-reported anger matched the previous high. From a global perspective, the incidence of stress in the U.S. was among the highest in the world. And the U.N.'s annual World Happiness Report, which uses Gallup life satisfaction ratings, ranked the U.S. at No. 19 for happiness in the world last year -- down from No. 18 in 2018 and from No. 14 in 2017.

Currently, 42% of U.S. adults describe themselves as 'very happy' and 44% as 'fairly happy.' Historically, however, slightly more Americans on average have reported being very happy (47%) than fairly happy (45%). The record for Americans saying they are very happy, 55%, was set in December 2003, a figure that may have been influenced by Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein's capture, which occurred during the polling period.

Who Has Become Less Happy?

Gallup trends since 2001 show that happiness was largely similar among racial, education and party subgroups from 2001 to 2008, with a few minor differences noted below. However, more significant gaps are seen in the latest data, as some groups are as happy today as they were in 2008, while others are less likely to say they are happy:

  • Nonwhites: U.S. whites were a bit more likely to report being happy than nonwhites from 2001 to 2008. The difference was particularly acute in 2005, when 10 percentage points separated the two racial groups. That year, Hurricane Katrina ravaged the largely black city of New Orleans, Louisiana, and many black Americans interpreted the federal government's delayed response as rooted in racism. But the racial gap has widened to 14 points in the latest poll. The 91% of whites who report being happy in 2019 is within the 90% to 96% range seen since 2001, while nonwhites' reports of happiness have sunk to a new low of 77%.
  • Adults with no college education: Since 2001, adults with at least some college education have tended to be slightly happier than those without any college experience, but that is especially pronounced in the latest data. While most educational groups are a bit less happy than they were in 2008, happiness is down 12 points to 79% among those with no college education versus only a few points among those with a college degree or postgraduate education. There was no change among those with some college.
  • Democrats and political independents: Democrats and independents were slightly less likely than Republicans to report being happy in Gallup measures from 2001 to 2008, but the gap is much wider today. The 94% of Republicans who now report being happy is squarely within this group's previous range of 92% to 97%, while happiness has dropped from 89% in 2008 to 83% in 2019 among Democrats, and from 91% to 83% among independents. When one looks specifically at the percentage who report being very happy, the gap has widened between Republicans and Democrats. The current 53% of Republicans and 29% of Democrats who report being very happy marks a 24-point spread -- larger than the previous gaps of 5 to 21 points between 2001 and 2008.

Bottom Line

The vast majority of Americans report being happy today, but the level is slightly diminished in comparison to Gallup's historical trends since 1948.

The latest dip in U.S. happiness is likely intertwined with Americans' higher reports of stress, worry and anger. While stress, in particular, is not unique to the U.S., the country stands out on the list of mostly less developed countries where this emotion is most prevalent, as these countries face obstacles and instabilities on levels that Americans have not experienced.

View complete question responses and trends.

Learn more about how the Gallup Poll Social Series works.

Results for this Gallup poll are based on telephone interviews conducted Dec. 2-15, 2019, with a random sample of 1,025 adults, aged 18 and older, living in all 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia. For results based on the total sample of national adults, the margin of sampling error is ±4 percentage points at the 95% confidence level. All reported margins of sampling error include computed design effects for weighting.

Each sample of national adults includes a minimum quota of 70% cellphone respondents and 30% landline respondents, with additional minimum quotas by time zone within region. Landline and cellular telephone numbers are selected using random-digit-dial methods.

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